Big Historic Events


After running away for two years, the Dire wolf known as Cyra returned to Aeslatopia. She challenged the Alpha of the current pack, Hawthorne, for the Alpha rank. This happened to also be her father, and thus she had standing as an alpha heir. She won by the grace of the ancients, killing her father and gaining the Alpha status. Her brother, Nox, who happened to be the Beta at the time, flew into a rage and attempted to kill his sister. Again, the ancients stepped in. By fire and lighting, the forest of the conjoining Thistle pack was destroyed, becoming barren and nearly unlivable and named the Shadow Lands. Nox was banished to these now cursed lands to live out his days. It was a hope of Cyra’s that he would repent and attempt to join the new pack, yet his darkness was too deep and he started his own pack.

While Nox plotted in his Shadow Lands, Cyra went to the other clans, announcing her position and speaking with the ancients’ voices that peace would be brought among them. New leaders were chosen and a treaty was made between the new pack of New Moon, the cat kingdom of Zuiya, and the bear tribe of Brudian. Unfortunately, after this treaty was made, Cyra could not stay for she was in mourning for her previously lost mate. She appointed her Beta, Gail, to be the new Alpha and left the lands of Aeslatopia, trusting the leaders she chose to uphold the treaty and keep the peace amongst one another.

First Battle: New Moon vs. Shadow Lands

It had been a few years into the treaty, peace was being achieved well and Gail had her first litter. It was then that Nox and his growing pack attacked. Nox struck hard at Gail, killing one of her children before slinking off into his barren lands.

A year or so later, Nox struck again, kidnapping a New Moon member. New Moon, in retaliation, rallied together and charged the Shadow Lands. The battle was fierce and hard, injuries gained heavily on both sides. It grew so dangerous that the ancients called in Zuiya, and per the treaty, Calla came to the rescue of her fellow clan. In the end, the kidnapped member and her mate had lost their lives to Nox’s pack. With these lives lost, Gail took Nox’s tail as some slight retribution, yet it was nothing compared to her packmates. She went into grieving, the beginning of her doubt. She struggled to comprehend why Cyra had seen in her, for she couldn’t even protect her own pack.

Within the aftermath of the battle, the first wolf had been chosen and blessed with the blood of the Dires since the treaty had been formed.

Battle of New Moon Vs. Shadowlands Drawn by Cielingfan15#2345

New Clan Joined Aeslatopia

In the following months, a new clan joined the land of Aeslatopia. The Donnola Coven, a clan of birds lead by Balthazar. They came from a dying land, and seeking refuge in the prosperous land, were accepted with open arms. The ancients themselves created a new Blessed species, the Phoenix Birds. The land of Brudian was split for this new clan, but as of yet, they are slow to join in. They are part of the treaty, yes, but they have had yet to react to the Shadow Lands, their territories separated by two separate clans.

Second Battle: Zuiya vs Shadow Lands

After losing to the New Moon pack, Nox sent his soldiers out to toy with the kingdom of Zuiya. They started off by killing a member in their own territory before cub napping a small child and another member. Zuiya would not stand for it, the queen strong and just. She rallied her clan instantly to retrieve her members, coming in with such a force that they managed to save both members without the help of the other clans, though they had been alerted to the situation. New Moon, being neighbors with Zuiya, had prepared to come but had been too late. With their members brought safely home, Zuiya is now on high alert and are more cautious of the Shadow Lands.

The Fall of a Clan

Before they could even gain a footing in the great land of Aeslatopia, the newest clan to join the treaty, the Coven of Donnola, fell to the dangerous and evil Ancient known as Amos. This dark ancient caused a great storm, wreaking havoc on the main camp and chasing the birds from their new home which was initially Brudian territory. While the remaining clans do not know why their newest allies received such a fate, the birds have been welcomed in the other clans with open arms. It is to be noted the other ancients did nothing to stop the chaos Amos began and is to be believed it was a punishment for not aiding their fellow treaty members in the struggles the Shadowlands caused. Donnola is gone, but the members live on in Brudian, Zuiya, and New Moon, and even a few have gone to the dark side and joined the Shadowlands. Aeslatopia welcomes the birds in their ranks, but their clan has been rejected. With the destruction over, the clans hope peace will be fully restored, and that the Ancients will approve of their feathered friends now that they are a part of their clans, and not a sole outlying clan.