
Alavi Spring Peak

Alavi Spring and its peak is the grounds where the Ancients will speak to the leaders. They have the most power here. This is a no fighting ground, comepletely peaceful and serene. The springs surrounding the peak are where normal animals can be Blessed or where the Blessed can have their trait taken away.

Alavi Meadow

The peaceful meadows of the Ancients, this is another place of no fighting. Often a meeting place for the leaders to ensure no fighting nor battles occur. Its a beautiful space of sun and gives those who walk on the lands a sense of calmness.

Winding River

The winding river is the continuation of Rockbend River in New Moon. Not as dangerous as the rocky part of the river, its wide and deep. Beneath the surface the current is strong, but as long as you're careful, its a nice place to swim and relax, perhaps ever fish for a quick meal.

Old Coal Mine

One of the old scars that the humans left behind, the coal mines are partially collaped. They make a fair den area, but only for those brave enough to enter the crumbling tunnels. The odd human equiptment is found here or there, but most is too destroyed to make anything useful out of it.

Town Center

In roughly the center of the wildlands sits the abandoned village of the long since gone people. Houses and walls partially falling down, they make nice dens for those Wilds that are fine with living in fairly close proximity of one another.


The farmlands once seperated from the wild by fenses has just become an open fields. The cows wandering the land originated from these fields, and the area is now a favorite grazing ground for the large herbavores. Its a great hunting area if you can find an animal not hiding in a herd.

Jade Tree

This tree is one of the gifts from the Ancients. A large and beautiful tree, it provides shade and wonder to those who look upon it. More of a place to relax and feel closer to the Ancients, its a sight to be seen and not much else.

Twin Cave

This cave is only accessable to those the child Ancient Naomi decides can enter. So far that only entitles the small beagle Lulu.

Whispering Forest

The forest is named for how the wind blows through the leaves and branches, the rustle of the leaves sounding like whispers from beyond the veil. Giving off a bit of a haunting aura, it is loaded with animals. Its one of the lush hunting areas for the Wilds.

Creiche Fields

These fields are some smaller, set off area close to the entrance of the whispering forest. Its far smaller than the farmlands but still an excellent place for finding abundant prey.

Blackberry Meadow

This meadow is more of a field, a crop farming area for the humans from before. A great place to find lots of herbs and berries to eat. Sometimes you can find odd human objects here or there if you search through the overgrown bushes long enough.

Tremlin Cave System

The cave system is natural and vast. Going deep underground and branching off many times, many don't risk travelling too deep into them. It is an amazing hiding place for one who is trying to escape danger or avoid being found.