March 2021


She's been here for a while now, and while she left for a bit, she's home. She's a sister to us all and brings to the table intricate and adored characters. From the evilness of Akita and Soul to the sweetness of Nova, she's been a light and a joy to have around. Excellent in writing and making such detailed characters you can't get enough of, this sister of ours is loved and welcomed!


Ciel has become such an important member of Aeslatopia. With their characters they don't give up on, and just being a friend and shoulder to cry on. Even with their prank pulling (like having us guess their gender, never outright telling us, just for laughs when we find out), we still love them. We know you're going through a hard time, and we're here for you. Always you will be our beloved sibling!


Another member who's been here for a while who we can't help but marvel at with their characters. Hard working to bring plot through and easy going, she brings fun and joy to us all. Willing to help and caring when someone needs to talk or vent, she's someone we don't know what we'd do without.