Brudian Tribe

Brudian Camp

The massive caves dug from the mountain surrounding Brudian houses the entire Tribe. A safe home and peaceful area, the moutain provides protection and the peacefulness is mantained due to the distance between the Shadowlands and the Tribe. Settled in the open fields, wind can occasionally be a problem.

Tiny Creek

The small creek provides Brudian with its water and fish. Calm and slow moving waters makes this a great spot for cubs and adults alike to splash around. The close rocks offer plenty of jumping areas for cubs to train and play, while offering spots for the adults to sit and relax while watching the young ones.

Bluebird Plains

These lush green plains are the open lands of the Tribe, with a few trees scattered about. The perfect area for training or just the wild playing of cubs. Once shared with the Coven of Donnola, this land now houses the Great Fallen Tree of the Donnola Coven.

Berry Woods

These light and sunny woods are overflowing with berries in the spring and summer, making it a great place to stop for a snack. Also home to many of the herbs used in healing, this area is lush and brings life to those who walk through it. Home to most of the prey, it is an excellent hunting grounds as well.

Wildflower Meadows

The bright and wonderfully scented flowers makes home for many small animals. Its a fun area for cubs to play or for the Shaman's to find herbs. While not much of a hunting grounds, it works excellently as a training grounds and the wide open area grants a sense of safety in being able to see everything around.