New Moon Pack

New Moon Camp

The open and spacious camp of New Moon houses the main body of the pack. With dens of stone for added safety and protection from the elements, the seemingly small dens are much bigger on the inside, decending within the earth for room,

Veela Lake

The lake is a very peaceful and serene spot, a small water collection offset from the river. Here fish enjoy to swim around, making this a great area for a quick meal, or just somewhere to swim and enjoy the sun. Sitting on the border between New Moon and the wildlands, this lake is a beautiful spot to spend a day

Woodberry Fields

The field filled with berries and wildflowers bring a delightful scent on the wind. A popular place for prey, this is a wonderful hunting ground for rabbits and the occasional cow or buffalo. Its a favorite spot for the pups of the pack, for the bright colors and tall grass never fails to amuse the younger ones.

Rockbend River

The rushing waters hide the sharp and dangerous rocks of this winding river, though the shores are a pleasant place to either relax or fish. A sheer cliff overhangs one side of this fast flowing river, providing shade for the heat of the summer. Watch pups carefully in these waters, for the strong current could easily drag them away, right into the wildlands.

Dark Forest

The shadowed and ever foggy forest is a place that sends shivers through even the bravest of wolves. The eerie feeling of invisble eyes haunts these woods, along with the fear and danger these woods long since held. Not a very popular place, these woods are fairly barren, perhaps the brave rabbit or two will wander into these dreadful woods, but the aura and malevolence that seeped into the very soil keeps many out, though herbs are abundant here.