
Shadow Camp

The small dark caves of the shadowlands house the banished wolves and animals of the clans. A desolate and barren place ravaged by fire, the camp is at the heart of this destruction. With nothing but the stones and dirt remaining, it is truely a hopeless place.

Burned Forest

This once lush forest is now a graveyard of skeletal trees and ash. Forever a scar on the land, rarely a creature crosses this land, and when they do, they are usually sickly and weak. These harsh conditions and ash filled dirt make the land and once great forest a place of death and sorrow.

Barren Lands

The one part of the land actually cursed by the Ancients. Untouched by the fires, the Ancients wished to protect their clans from the banished wolves, giving them true punishment through scarce food and endless heat. This dry and empty land holds very little for food or shelter.


Unchanged since the rise and fall of the Hawethorne pack, the swamp remains lush but dangerous. Filled with quick sand like mud and venomous snakes. The water is tainted, filled with rotting animals and vegitation. Its the only standing water source in the Shadowlands, but quite a risk to drink.