Zuiya Kingdom

Zuiya Camp

The low hanging branches of the camp provide ample space for sleeping, while hollowed out tree trunks provide shelter from the elements. Surrounding camp is the dense forest and within lies the brave Knights that will stop any from attacking the Elders or Kits of the kingdom, while the King and Queen have their Guards to give them some extra protection.

Sunshine Clearing

This large open area in the middle of the jungle offers a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the day. The lack of vegitation prevents any sudden ambushes, and the less density of the trees allows the light to filter through. Its a wonderful spot to sunbathe, or perhaps run into a cow to bring back to the kingdom.

Rainbow Jungle

A bright and colorful place filled with the ambience of wild birds and the skittering of small critters beneath the brush. Watch your step for snakes slither through this damp jungle. Vibrant colors often fill the visitor with energy, and the foilage and dense trees offer excellent hiding spots to ambush prey.

Oasis Waterfall

A gorgeous waterfall with a cave behind the cascading water. A very lovely and peaceful place. Filling with the joyful singing of birds and the pounding of the water, it is a place many like to visit. The cool water of the pool below the falls is a popular place to swim in the summer and always a refreshing drink to quench your thirst.

Dune Desert

The barren desert is the result of the fires burning away part of the jungle trees. Bordering the shadowlands, this sandy desert provides no shelter for either Shadowlander nor Zuiyan member to preform a sneak attack, It is a scar in the land that will forever remind Zuiya of the powerful and dangerous wrath of the Ancients.