

 1. Mistakes happen, so this server runs on a 3 mark system. If you get more than three marks, you will be kicked from the server.
1st mark- warning
2nd mark- stern warning
3rd mark- mute for an hour
The three marks Can and Will be overridden and a kick on your first offense with some circumstances. 

2. No more than two OCs per pack is allowed. This is to prevent overpopulation of one role player in a pack and to increase activity in the server.

3. There is one exception to rule two. If you have proven to be active with your current OCs, then you may ask admins to grant you more OCs. If you are ignoring any OCs, you will be asked to cut back. 

4. No OP OC's, fourth-wall-breaking, killing others OC's (unless permitted by the OC's player), OOC Drama, or disrespect to your authorities. We all just want to have fun, and it's hard to have fun when you have an OC who can't get hurt or always lands their hits. 

5. Because of minors being on the server, we ask that anything 18+ is sent to the #nsfw chat OOC, and anything 18+ IC is blacked out by using the || before and after the sentence. 

6. Swearing is allowed, just don't overdo it. That goes for IC too. If you have a kid they CAN swear, but they will get in trouble if caught! We want to keep them innocent~ 

7. If you have any plot ideas, message an Admin or Moderator and we can discuss it. Don't just bring it in because you're bored, please. 

8. Again, please give everyone respect. Block out things that could be triggering and be kind to authorities and other members. We just want to have fun. Remember
-Treat others the way you want to be treated
-If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

9: What happens in Aeslatopia stays in Aeslatopia
While copying of any kind is strictly not okay this goes deeper. This server is a safe haven for people. You do not screenshot or pass around information about the members or roleplays happening in this server with other servers. You do not knowingly out someone to someone else who you know that the other people do not like. This is called doxing and is illegal in the USA as a form of cyberbullying. As you are directly participating in the potential endangerment of another person by exposing their location and actions to someone you know has aggressive or offensive opinions of them. This will not be tolerated as the people on this server are not allowing it. Drama is strictly forbidden. Personal beef is to be handled outside of the server. If you do not like someone on the server do not talk to them and do not roleplay with them. Inform your leaders and we will make sure your characters are not mentored or attached to each other if it's that big of an issue. But we will not kick someone out because you do not like them. We will not stand for drama in the server because you do not like them. This is a 16+ server and as such we are all adults and are completely capable of not liking someone without causing drama. It is not the admin or the owners' fault if someone you don't like is here and it is not our job to take anyone's side for any reason if it doesn't affect our server we will not punish someone for existing. Personal issues should have no effect on this server. ever
Breaking rule nine is a single strike rule you will immediately be on probation for the protection of every single person here.

10. You can message the admin team without permission. However, no one can message random members without getting express permission

11. No lying about anything. Most importantly, your AGE. Mature themes go on in this server and knowing your age helps us keep you safe, as well as protects the other members on the server.

12. The @everyone role is for staff use only. Please refrain from using it unless you are a staff member. Many people get pinged constantly while trying to work and it stresses them out when they’re pinged and it’s not for anything important. If you have special permission from staff for pinging, please keep it to important topics only. Thank you! 


1. Please stick with 3+ lines for role playing. I understand, some days you just don't feel like it, but please do your best. The more description the easier it is to continue the interactions and keep it fun! 

2. Please roleplay in third person. It keeps everything from getting confusing. 

3. No overpowered, perfect characters, no fourth wall breaking and no controlling others characters. 

4. Everything sexual IC MUST be blocked out. Minors are here too! 

5. This is supposed to be fairly realistic, so no crazy, special markings unless you've been granted by an Admin. 

6. Dires, Ferals, and Chosen are RARE. The gene doesn't pass on to all younglings. Please, PLEASE, be civil about who gets a ancient-blooded pup. If you can't be civil, I Will take out the gene entirely and No One will get to be one.

7. No prey animals allowed. We are all hunters such as wolves, tigers, lion's, bears, and others. 

8: roleplay additional rule:
BREEDING! Every four months (Once a year) the whole server has a day of heat and can breed as they want. Outside of this heat you can breed still but you need your leader or their mates permission. (this can and will be denied sometimes to prevent over population of a single blood line)