January 2021


She was the first memeber to join Aeslatopia. Since the beginning she has graced us with her precense, sharing her excellent roleplaying, her great literacy and her all around amazing friendship. We are proud to call you part of our family and hope to see you stay with Aeslatopia for its future!


As a fairly new member, Bee jumped right in! She made friends and just slid into our hearts, quickly becoming our friend and family member. She brings us lots of smile and laughts, along with increadible art and in depth characters. We look forward to what you will bring with you in Aeslatopia's future!


Also another long time member, she travelled with the staff from another server which was growing toxic. Joining us in the safe space of Aeslatopia, she delved right into the lore, making characters we can't quite get enough of. She's also brough us so much encouragement and happiness, we are truely lucky to have her.


Azar has been in Aeslatopia for a little while now. While at first they were nervous and stand offish, they have grown into our family. While still teasing us about the love we show them, they have grown along with the server, trusting us with difficult changes in their life and developing their roleplay skills from the happy-go-luck Asami to the more serious Opal.