
Timetithing is a concept to enable us to donate some of our time in a totally flexible way. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it, for as many hours as you wish, for as long as you want to contribute. This can cover almost anything.

No shortage of things to do, let's innovate!

If you listen to people in the streets or those you meet at different community events you will here people explain what is wrong with the world. Often what is wrong with things happening locally (according to them). Also criticism, or gossip about people doing things but perhaps not in the way that they would want.

There is enough people in the world sharing what is not working, we don't need more of those people. What we do need are people who are prepared to innovate and come up with ideas to find alternative ways of doing things that work much better [... innovate and create]

Fit things in around your life

We are all fabulously busy though aren't we? But when we analyse this we all have 24 hours, and we all have a choice how we use those hours. Whether it be watching TV, reading a book, building our business, playing games or even developing our own potential however we might be doing that. There is ample scope for adjustment. Ample scope to move things around. We just actually need to get innovative about what we do with out time too.

There are ways to contribute that don't require huge amounts of time, things that we have expertise in that would take a few minutes for us but for others hours and hours. Just a case of really finding out how you can help.

Anyone can contribute

The wonderful things about community is its rich diversity. We are all individuals and unique through our life experiences and what we have learned.

No two of us are the same... some of us might look similar but that is where the 'sameness' ends. No two of us are the same because different things happened to us in our lives.

So with all our diversity we can all make a contribution. Every one of us has a skill and a talent. This talent might be to demonstrate the worst of something, or the best. These either serve to move things forward directly, or allow someone to learn and improve, it's all positive in the end when we apply conscious thought.

So what of you? How could you help? What talents do you have? What talents might you want to have? What might making a positive contribution to community mean to you? How would that make you feel?

Volunteering has been traditionally quite a challenging thing to get into... but with TimeTithing there are so many things that need doing we can all play our part almost straight away... if we choose to!

What would you like to do?

It is a real challenge to analyse yourself and your own talents and then... to think up something that might be good for you that you would like doing.

So let's make it easy... why not come along to one of the regular Community innovation gatherings we host and let's start to open up the discussion on what works for you. The key here is what works for you. What helps your progression and helps with your needs.

Community participation is all about Win, Win, Win... there is only long term happiness and positive outcomes if everyone involved is benefiting and enjoying what they are doing... it definitely is a time 4 change... [... more information on our Community Gatherings]

Finding someone to help?

How and then who needs you? This is the perennial question... how do we link organisations who need things with people who can help with those things?

It comes down to conversations... sharing information in a way that makes it easy to find and for people to begin to step up. It is much easier to do something when someone suggests what they need... a bit like buying Christmas presents (topical when this was written).

Engaging with local community groups and creating a list of needs is something that is available through the community communications hub and will accelerate bringing people together to improve our local communities.

If you want to get in touch right now... email southwesthertsDL@link4growth.co.uk or alternatively complete the Contact us form choosing as one of the options TimeTithing.