Skills Development

This service enables those with experience and knowledge to share it. And those that want to learn new skills and knowledge, an affordable means to do that. The trainers can deliver their workshops in the style they wish either physically in a classroom or online in a variety of different ways depending on the content.

Affordable, Flexible ways to learn

Workshops and training is only as good as the effect and difference it makes to the delegates behaviour. Many a time people have said... the training was excellent... I learned so much... and then didn't make any changes. A waste of money? ... Many people have read literally hundreds of self help and personal development books... what's changed? Not much... the books are there on the bookshelf... some not even read. (who isn't guilty of this?)

What if we could learn how to do a specific thing... something we would know that would make a massive difference... something that might only take 30 minutes to learn. Then practice... i.e. do it! ... then, once you know it and have done it a few times it can become a habit. That's effective training.

With Link4Skills we are building a whole range of different types of training. Included are bite sized affordable video instant access workshops and also... 1 hours, 2.5 hours and then series of videos 3 x 1 hour, 4 x 1 hour... even 6 x 1 hour sessions. These will come as 'just watch' instant access training, right through to full participation.

Many people like to meet, network and attend a workshop at the same time, physical workshops like this will be offered through the local District Leader and their trainers.

An opportunity to get to work on yourself

Link4Skills is often referred to as "the people's university" and for many reasons. One is that this is a place we can come to find a wide variety of workshops and training... in fact, as wide as the skills people have, and as diverse as the people who want to share what they know.

There has never been a better time to consider learning as a life-long experience and with high quality training (by people out there doing it right now at the coal face) which is both affordable and convenient we really can start to change ourselves.

Discover new skills to help grow your business

A lot of training and education workshops are aimed at sharing the functions, features and benefits of using a product or service. This is a bit like reading the whole menu to you in a restaurant when in actual fact you already have a good idea what you want and you just want to get into the details.

Very often the business owner understands what they must do to grow their business [... visit Mentoring page to see how that might have happened] but they are unclear as to what methods and tools are available to solve the challenges, and indeed how these tools could be used effectively in their situation.

Bringing together Business creativity events and having conversations about our businesses and where we are going will reveal skills gaps and how best to resolve this...

It's not all about business though...

Life isn't all just work and business. There are so many soft skills that people are seeking too. Knitting, Sewing, baking, cooking... even how to make almond milk (which is easy by the way!).

Link4Skills enables you to get ahead in business, but it's also here for fun, life, enjoyment and all the other fulfilling things in our lives.

Earn an income sharing your knowledge & experience

Like with the expansion of Car boot sales and Ebay we learned that very often what we believe has no value for us, does have value for others.

So it is with skills and knowledge. There are millions of us walking around with the knowledge how to do things and thinking nothing of it. Yet there are millions of others thinking I just wished I knew someone who could teach me how to do this... yes we can find it on the internet... point solutions and 'how to videos' but being able to connect easily with more local people to learn skills would be great.

Enabling people to share their knowledge in this way also provides a small income stream which can help when starting a business, or to supplement income.

Connect with specialists in your arena

Bearing in mind that we are all different and unique and that we are not in competition with each other finding others that are in the same field as us through training and education is invaluable. How much more quickly could we grow new expertise and invent new and better ideas?

Collaborations and mutual business benefits would abound if we just thought how could we work together to create more and better solutions for our clients rather than the thinking, 'someone is taking away business from me'.

More information

For more information please do contact us directly on or fill in the Contact us form. Alternatively visit for existing workshops / training and how to offer workshops of your own.