Accuracy at 300 Meters

Modern Day Shooting

Figuring Out Today's Ballistics

 "Accuracy at 300 Yards"

26 Oct, 2011​

John Kort shows us how accurate the 44-40 can be with Black Powder out to 300 meters. Line 7, Bank 2

October 26, 2011

"It was windy so, unfortunately, there is a lot of wind noise. My apologies. The targets are the steel javelina on bank 7 the 2nd distance out. They stand at 300 meters (327 yards) from the muzzle. Had a good run in spite of the wind...5x5 from a rest. :) Pretty darn good for a cartridge / rifle developed way back in 1873. What fun! Ammunition is 44-40 blackpowder using bullets from Accurate Mold 43-210B bullet (Fairshake development) which is a copy of the 427098 (original 44-40 bullet) except that the bullets are .429" diameter and have a flat bottomed lube grooves. Lube - SPG Powder is SWISS FFG in 37 gr. doses by weight, ignited by Remington 2 1/2 primers. Velocity = 1,300 f.p.s. Approx 50 b.p. rounds had been fired prior to these five. No cleaning nor blowtubing was done throughout. Back in 1875, Winchester said that their '73 Winchester was effective and accurate out to 500 to 600 yards.......still true today.....130+ years later."

.... Location: Ridgway Rifle Club Ridgway, PA ~John Kort

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