Cartridge Timeline 


“Ammunition Manufacturers Association” - Reported to be an association formed by three or four major manufactures, initiated by Winchester, to include members U.M.C., U.S.C.Co. and Phoenix. This association was to control the manufacture of Metallic ammunition. Any company not a member, such as Western, was simply forced to buy their components from one of the four members. It has been reported that by 1900 at least two well known companies, Savage, and Western, were cut off from being able to purchase components because the A.M.A decided they would be too competitive. Apparently internal squabbles amongst the four members of the A.M.A. lead to the dissociation of the A.M.A. By that time Savage and Western had both tooled up to make their own components. 

The spreadsheet below should list all components used in the 44-40 cartridges over the years. Use the slide bar at the bottom of the sheet to scroll left and right

44-40 Cartridge Boxes