Day 9

Scrappy Circuits

Scrappy Circuits in fun way to teach invention literacy that creatively avoids many pre-requisites (money, access, skills...)

Students can build their own module tinkering system for around $1 each, with most of the expense going to one LED tealight.

2-packs of LED tealights can commonly be found at dollar stores.

A great overview of Scrappy Circuits can be found in the Make Magazine article link HERE.

Step 1: Gather your parts. For one learner, you will need

Step 2: Take apart your LED tealight. Directions can be found here.

Step 3: Make your 5 Core Bricks. Directions can be found here.

Step 4: Make your first circuit out of your 5 Core Bricks.

Step 5: Make more bricks out of common items found around your home or the dollar store.

Videos & More

Be sure to checkout our website at

Supercut of 5 Core Bricks

Here is a short supercut of making all 5 Core Bricks. Sorry for the annoying music

Maker Camp Live

Here is a Maker Camp Live session Mike Carroll and Chris Connors did over the summer on the 5 Core Bricks.

Virtual Maker Faire

Mike Carroll and Chris Connors lead a Virtual Maker Faire session on Scrappy Circuits.

A kickstarter for a Scrappy Circuits book will be launching very soon. If you would like to be one of the first to find out about this, please sign up for our Kickstarter alert.