Day 27

Maker Slopes

Ride the slopes and still stay warm!


  • pipe cleaners/chenille straws

  • popsicle sticks of various sizes

  • making tape

  • something to serve as a ramp (binder, a large board, box....)

  • measuring tape/rulers (optional)

  • timers (optional)


  1. As a class, discuss the science behind sliding down a hill. Check out this video from SciShow Kids- The Fastest Sled Ride Ever!

  2. Provide images of various sleds, snowboards and skis used in real life

  3. Students are to create one or more of the items listed above that can successfully slide down the hill

Extensions to Try:

  • With the materials, limit the amount used by students for an extra challenge (Example: Can only use 4 popsicle sticks, 3 pipe cleaners, 12 in. tape...) or make it unlimited.

  • Give a time constraint. Students have only a certain amount of time they can build their design.

  • Students have to create at least one person that can stand up the entire time on the snow toy

  • Measure the distance traveled after the hill of the design. Record a series of measurements to find the longest and shortest distance traveled.

  • Time how long it takes for the design to get down the hill. Record a series of trials and find the average travel time for that particular design.

  • Add weight to the design to see how that affects the speed and distance traveled