Day 25

Weatherproof winter lights

With a cheap battery operated light, tissue paper, glue and an airtight jar can give you an incredible outdoor light this holiday season!

The prep work is simple. Clean a plastic or glass jar that has a lid. Put a small amount of white school glue in a bowl and add a teaspoon of water. You will to brush this on the inside of the jar.

If you want a snowperson or snowflakes like in the picture, cut them out of tissue paper and glue them to the inside of the jar. Once these are in place, take small pieces of tissue paper and cover the entire inside of the jar.

You must let the glue dry (overnight is best!) before you put the lid back on the jar or you might glue it shut!

Put a small battery operated light inside, put on the lid and you now have a waterproof light you can put outside! They are even snowproof and look amazing when covered with snow!

CAUTION! If you want to use real candles, you glue the tissue to the outside of the jar. Only glue tissue to the inside of the jar if you are using battery operated lights.