
Equal rights posters

25 Days of Making 2020 celebrates the coming of the holidays with handmade projects and activities. The holidays also provide us with the opportunity to reflect on how and what we can give to others, especially to those who don't have the same resources and privileges as us. The project for this 6th day of the 25 days of making is to create a handmade or multimedia presentation about equal rights for all. It can focus on awareness of inequities and/or actions a person can take to promote anti-racism. It can be:

  • A Handmade Poster

  • An Online Poster Using Adobe Spark, Canva, or Piktochart

  • An ebook Using Book Creator

  • A Scratch Interactive Presentation

Handmade Poster

This project is obviously the easiest to create as it doesn't require any technology. It can be as simple as this example that uses notebook paper and Crayola skin color crayons; or it can be more elaborate with posterboard and poster paints.

Online Poster Maker

This version of the project using an online tool such as Adobe Spark, Canva, or Piktochart. All of these online tools are easy to use (but require an account) and have amazing images and photos as part of their platform along with lots of options for fonts and color palettes. Here are some tutorials that can assist you:

ebook with Book Creator

This version of the project uses Book Creator to make an online ebook or 'zine. The illustrations can be drawn and painted (like the example) using Paint Online or Sumopaint or a Pixel Art tool such as or which can then be uploaded into their ebook. They can then use the text tool in Book Creator. More about how to use Book Creator can be found at

Scratch Interactive

This final version of the project uses MIT Scratch to make an interactive presentation - try out the example above! As can be see, the characters and backgrounds have mostly been drawn. Scratch has a Paint Editor built into its system that can be used for this project.

This is a more advanced project and is designed to be used by those individuals who already know how to use scratch.

If you're a teacher and want to do more activities - a more complete unit on anti-racism, here is an ebook of all activities my students are doing:

Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D.

I don't do teaching for a living, I live teaching as my doing . . . and technology has increased my passion for doing so.

Published Book: Learning in the Making: How to Plan, Execute, and Assess Powerful Makerspace Lessons

Twitter: @jackiegerstein



Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. Albert Einstein