Just like the Olympics, during your time at the Canada Games you'll be living in the Athletes' Village alongside 1,800 of your best new friends and competitors from across the country. 

The Athletes' Village is located at the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, PEI.

Expand the sections below to learn more.


Remember when you had to fill in your personal information and upload a photo? This information created your accreditation tag. You will receive an accreditation (ID) tag when you arrive at the Games. This is your all-access pass, and must be worn at all times. This tag will provide access to enter the Athletes’ Village, the cafeteria, your competition venue(s), the Polyclinic, and more. 

ACCESS CONTROL | Admission to the Athletes’ Residence and village buildings during the Games will be restricted to those who have proper accreditation. Admission will be granted to all accredited participants (athletes, managers, coaches, technicians), Mission Staff, and Athletes’ Village Volunteers. In addition to those listed above, admission to the Athletes’ Villages will be granted to medical staff and medical volunteers. 

LOST BADGE | If you lose your accreditation badge, let your coach or mission staff know immediately. You’ll receive a temporary pass until a new badge can be printed. Your mission staff will go with you to the Accreditation Centre to get a new accreditation. 


For the protection of all participants, any disruptive behaviour by any participant (athlete, coach, manager, technician, etc.) will be reported to the Chef de Mission and coach. Criminal activity will be reported to the police and the respective Chef de Mission, coach and Mission designate.


All participants will be housed at the University of Prince Edward Island, with satellite villages in Fredericton and Halifax.  

UNIVERSITY ACCOMMODATIONS | Rooms will vary. Each residence building has 24-hour access control with paid overnight security. Participants are not permitted to access accommodations of the opposite gender. Mission Staff have a universal accommodations icon that allows them access in all buildings. 

CURFEW AND QUIET TIME | Athletes are required to be in their rooms nightly before 12am for curfew. Quiet time takes effect at 11pm each night. Exceptions are only made for those whose competition schedule goes later then curfew. A list of exceptions is provided to security each night from the competition venues. Entry points to village accommodations are monitored by paid security, who are responsible for access control. Any participant who violates curfew and/or quiet time are reported to their respective Chef de Mission and coach. 

KEY MANAGEMENT | Any participant who has lost their keys, or cannot get into their unit, must report this to their coach or Mission staff. Coaches or Mission staff then contact the Accommodations Operations Centre to get a new key cut or access into the unit. Participants are responsible for the cost to replace each lost key, no exception. 

DAMAGES | Each province and territory is responsible for all damages or loss of Village property and furnishings, including accommodations keys. Any repair and/or replacement costs that are required are communicated to the appropriate Chef de Mission immediately. Team Sask will charge any damages back to the Provincial Sport Organization who will need to collect from participants if desired. 




KEYS | Mission Staff distributes keys to their own teams as per the rooming list upon arrival at the Athletes’ Village. Participants are responsible for their own keys at all times. Participants only get access to their room with proper accreditation and/or verification by the rooming list. Upon departure, all keys must be returned to designated Mission Staff.

COST FOR LOST KEYS: Key Card = $10

LAUNDRY, LINENS AND TOWELS | The Athletes’ Village has laundry rooms located in each residence area. Laundry machines are free of charge, and there will be laundry detergent available at Village Services.

TOWEL EXCHANGE | Participants can exchange towels on an as needed basis at their designated location:

Participant are encouraged to swap towels midweek on towel exchange day on the designated dates:

Participants may swap towels on any given day out of the Village Service Desk.

DEPARTURE DAY TOWEL AND LINEN (BEDDING) EXCHANGE | On departure day, participants are asked to leave their soiled towels and linens (bedding) in a pile within their room.  More detail to be provided onsite regarding departure day process.

HOUSEKEEPING | Units will be cleaned every 2nd day. Keeping your room and unit clean will help the cleaning staff.

TROUBLESHOOTING | If you require assistance, go to the Accommodations Operations Centre.


Many of the Athletes will be allowed to keep smaller sport equipment (rackets, fgure skates) in their rooms unless the sport has designated storage at the competition venue.  

*For safety and property protection, athletes are not permitted to use their equipment in the accommodations and must store it in the allocated areas.