Testing Scroll ( a work in progress )

I am tired of watching TV News, Radio News, News channels with audio and am trying to create a format to show scrolling news that will display on a website, a mobile phone or tablet that the user can select from a list to display the subject they are interested in.

Scroll ( 1-Scroll.com ) has brought you here for editing. Scroll are the moving words that move past the screen on a webpage and your eyes are attracted to the words as they move. This scroll draws your interest move than a standing image or large amount of text on a page that your eyes must move to allow you to read.

Wikipedia = A news ticker (sometimes called a "crawler", "crawl", "slide", "zipper", or "ticker tape") is a horizontal or vertical (depending on a language's writing system) text-based display either in the form of a graphic that typically resides in the lower third of the screen space on a television station or network (usually during news programming) or as a long, thin scoreboard-style display seen around the facades of some offices or public buildings dedicated to presenting headlines or minor pieces of news.

I am researching how to use scroll content using rss content, then incorporate a Google Translate to convert text to audio or pull in mp3 files via youtube audio and strip out the video portion.

As you can see from my interest in AI below ( AInow ) Artificial Intelligence holds great promise in creating content and displaying it in many different formats.