District Assessment Plan


Assessment is a critical part of school improvement and student learning.  The Morgan County R-II Schools district assessment program allows the district to gather information for a variety of purposes. Well-designed and appropriately used assessments provide the following benefits:

Morgan County R-II Schools Assessment Program consists of a variety of assessment types and formats including norm-referenced tests, criterion-referenced tests, nationally developed tests, locally-developed assessments and classroom assessments in core content areas. The primary goal of the assessment program is to monitor and improve student performance and achievement and to provide the necessary information to improve curriculum and instructional practices. No single assessment or assessment type can serve all of the needs for information; therefore, the assessment program includes a wide range of instruments and procedures. Missouri school districts are required to develop a testing plan that meets the standards of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education [DESE]. Such a plan must include the Missouri Assessment Program tests [MAP] and assessment of the Missouri Learning Standards [MLS] that are not assessed through MAP. The district accomplishes this by designing curriculum and assessments that align with the Missouri Learning Standards.

Overview & MSIP Alignment

Overview: The Morgan County R-II School District’s Local Assessment Plan includes components as specified in the Missouri School Improvement Process (MSIP 6) listed along with their respective indicators: 

MSIP 6 Alignment:

*AS2- The school system implements a comprehensive assessment system including

state required and locally selected assessments.

Program to measure academic performance for each student.

assessment plan that includes all assessments administered and the purposes for

which the assessments are used.

Academic Achievement

**EA1- The school system administers assessments required by the Missouri

Assessment Program (MAP) to measure academic achievement and demonstrates

improvement in the performance of its students over time.

Continuous and Innovative Improvement

*DB2- School system and building leaders are intentional agents of continuous and

innovative improvement to provide relevant learning experiences that promote academic

success so each student can meet the changing demands of the world around them.

Climate and Culture Data

*DB3- The school system gathers school climate and culture data from

all stakeholder groups, analyzes and shares the results, and implements strategies for improvement.

observational methods, and behavior reports) that recognize the range of factors which shape school culture and climate.

Collaborative Teams

*DB4 - School-based collaborative educator teams, inclusive of all educators, are operational and focus on effective practices.


Assessment Management Principles 

Effective disaggregation and use of student achievement data are critical to assessing student mastery of  the learning objectives. Data driven instruction occurs when assessment data are used to guide instructional decisions at the student, classroom, grade, campus, and district levels. 

The assessed curriculum should: 

Assessment Components 

The assessed curriculum should include the following components: 

A program evaluation component that guides curriculum redesign, instructional planning, and  programmatic decisions based on student achievement within each program area 

  Testing Student Achievement 

District-wide Testing Program

Rationale:   In the case of individual students, standardized tests, in combination with other criteria, can provide an indication of student achievement.  The purposes of the district-wide assessment program are to facilitate and provide information for the following:

1.   Student Achievement: To produce information about relative student achievement so that parents/guardians, students, and teachers can monitor academic progress of the general population as well as subpopulations.

2.   Student Counseling: To provide data as a tool in the counseling and guidance of students for further direction and for specific academic placement and remediation.

3.   Instructional and Curriculum Change: To provide data which will assist in the preparation of recommendations for instructional and curriculum changes to:

4.  School and District Evaluation: To provide indicators of progress of the district towards the goals and objectives of the CSIP Plan, Building School Improvement Plans (BSIP) and Goals for Graduation.

In the continual effort to improve instruction and programs, the district-wide assessment program will implement the components of the Missouri Assessment Program to monitor the progress of all students in meeting all Missouri Learning Standards (Show-Me Standards, Frameworks, GLEs/CLEs,  and Common Core State Standards (CCSS)) Other assessments included in the district-wide assessment program are described in this plan.

The district-wide assessment program is used as a vehicle for furnishing needed information to decision makers, including the Board, administrators, teachers, parents/guardians, and students. 

The Board, in cooperation with the administrative and instructional staff, will annually review disaggregated and aggregated student performance data. The board will annually review performance data disaggregated based on race/ethnicity, gender, identified disability, migrant, and/or LEP (Limited English Proficiency) students in order to effectively monitor student academic achievement, dropout and graduation rates. If the district or a school within the district has an enrollment of five or more students in any of the above student populations at a grade level, then data for the group will be disaggregated for board review. The district will use a variety of assessment data (longitudinal, demographic, disaggregated, and diagnostic) and surveys to guide district-wide decisions.

There shall be involvement in the development of the district-wide assessment program and its implementation. Instructional staff will be given training and responsibilities in coordinating the program.

The tests included in the district-wide assessment program include the following:

The district operates from the premise that effective testing will increase achievement for all students, create data-driven decision making, and create learning cultures within each building.

The Morgan County R-II School District Assessment Plan is in compliance with Morgan County R-II School District board policies: IK, IL-1, IL-AP(1),ILA,

  Assessment Calendar 

In compliance with the Sixth Cycle MSIP Standard 1-3, please click the link at the top of the page to view the table that indicates the following: