Leave of Absence (LOA) Portal
Second Term, Academic Year 2023-2024

The Leave of Absence (LOA) Portal serves as an alternative means of receiving Leave of Absence applications of current/former students of the UST College of Architecture for the Second Term, AY 2023-2024.

This Portal is in full compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 in terms of use, storage, and disposal.

Before you proceed
Eligible for filing Leave of Absence? Prepare the following documents:

1. One (1) photo of your "UST College of Architecture Student Identification (ID)", or a present "Registration Form", or a present "Payment Receipt" released by the Accounting Office to confirm your enrollment for the current academic year and term.
2. A PDF file of a letter addressed to the UST College of Architecture Dean expressing the intention to apply for a leave of absence with the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) signature.
3. A photo(s) of your parent(s)/guardian(s) Identification Card (ID) that signed your letter.
4. For health, medical, or other issues, please attached other supporting documents.

1. Please rename all the files you will be uploading in the given format (FORMAT: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME - FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR) (e.g. SANTOS, TOMAS U. - LOA LETTER).
2. A maximum of two (2) years is the allowable duration/effectiveness of the Leave of Absence per University Policy. But in some cases, the Leave of Absence may be extended upon the approval of the Dean.

Important Links and Contact Information

Do you have any LOA-related inquiries?
Please refer to the information below:

1. For administrative-related concerns, please email office.archi@ust.edu.ph.
2. For guidance counselors- and/or the Counseling and Career Center (CCC)-related concerns, please send an email to Ms. Iren Frances Velasco, Guidance Counselor, at idvelasco@ust.edu.ph

Ready to submit in the Leave of Absence Portal?

Check out the step-by-step procedure:

LOG-IN to your UST GSuite account at https://accounts.google.com/signin.  
Go to https://accounts.google.com/signin and refresh your browser.  Should you not been able to access your UST GSuite account, please inform us via our Virtual Office before proceeding.

STEP 00 - Instruction Page
STEP 01 - Data Privacy Consent Agreement, Declaration of Understanding of Instructions, and  Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Permission to Proceed to Apply for Leave of Absence (LOA)
STEP 02 - Encoding of Personal Information
STEP 03 - Conditions and Uploading of the Required Documents
STEP 04 - Further Instructions

Your application will carefully be reviewed by the UST College of Architecture Guidance Counselor, College Secretary, Assistant Dean, and Dean. Please wait for the email of the Architecture Dean's Office for announcements or further instructions. Do not flood the college with follow-up emails. A soft copy of the Leave of Absence(LOA) form shall be sent to the email address of the applicant he/she provided at the soonest time possible. 

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Explore other available services by hitting the button below. 

Do you have other inquiries?

Visit our Virtual Office for further assistance.

To visit our virtual office and meeting rooms, please log-in using your UST Gmail accounts and please wait to be admitted.

You may also message us in Contact Us section for other inquiries.