Need further assistance?

Our support staff is ready to help you.

To visit our virtual office and meeting rooms, please log-in using your UST Gmail accounts and please wait to be admitted.

Message us for any inquiries or concerns that you may have and wait for our response within 5 working days.

For any urgent inquiries or concerns, you may proceed to our virtual office using your UST Gsuite account. 

You can also reach us via email. For general inquiries, you may email us at and cc: support staff in-charge:

For 1st Year student concerns, email Mr. Gab Dela Paz at

For 2nd Year student concerns, email Mr. Jessie Villareal at

For 3rd Year student concerns, email Ms. Geraldine Darbin at

For 4th Year student concerns, email Mr. Jun Relos at

For 5th Year student concerns, email Ms. Hiedi Manahan at

For admission- and enrollment-related concerns, you may email us at

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