Progetto: Roma al femminile tra storia antica e presente

Principal investigator: Francesca Rohr

finanziato dal [ve]dph (Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities) - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Status: ongoing

The project has the purpose to make the history of Roman women known, as it makes us understand some aspects of our times: the links that exist between patriarchal society and violence against women; the role of the education in women’s emancipation; the origin of some discriminations that in many countries marginalise women in many fields such as chances of professional achievement, remuneration, political representativeness. The project includes the organization of a series of lectures directed to a wide audience about these topics and the modalities of transmission of historical contents through television, the historic contemporary novel; the periodicals of public history. The project comprehends the activation of an open access section inside of the site GIEFFRA [ITA] with hypertexts dedicated to the female characters who were the most exposed to distortions with the aim of providing the instruments to rebuild the female reality after having isolated of the stereotypes.

Le attività del progetto:

"E' sempre la stessa storia!"

"Women's Lives, Women's Histories"

Stereotipi femminili nella storiografia romana tra passato e presente