North Carolina Re-entry

Re-Entry and Reverse Culture Shock

You’ve returned home knowing that you’ve had the most eye-opening experience of your life, feeling that you’ve grown in many ways, and wanting to continue to be involved internationally.

North Carolina Student Reentry Conference:

The North Carolina Student Reentry Conference is a day-long event designed to bring former study abroad students together from across North Carolina to share their experiences. Participants discuss some of the common challenges and the many benefits that come from studying abroad.

Sessions focus on a range of topics from reverse culture shock, articulating the value of your international experience, and building on intercultural skill enhancement.

Also important are sessions on appropriately incorporating your experience into job searches, interviews, and resumes, international work and scholarship opportunities.

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The following questions are especially designed for you and can help you as you settle back into life in North Carolina:

What is re-entry and reverse culture shock? What should I expect?

Re-entry is the adjustment period that individuals go through when they return from an extended study abroad experience. You know the feeling: no one wants to hear another of your amazing travelogues; your friends seem to be out of sync with your needs; you want to share, but you feel somewhat alone in the world. These feelings are not unusual and are just part and parcel to the great experience you’ve had. Technically, re-entry is the adjustment period you will need to feel completely at home again. For some students this period is very short, but for others it can take longer to feel at ease with your old familiar surroundings. If you feel extremely tired or depressed, be sure to set up an appointment with your UNC System campus’ International Office staff. They can give you some strategies for coping. Keep in mind that this time will pass and before you know it, you will feel like your old self, just wiser.

How can I be involved with “things international” now that I have returned to my home campus?

Upon your return, you can ask your International Office for the different ways you can keep your hand in the international game at your campus. Some of the opportunities available include:

  • Programs that will pair you up with an international exchange student so you can help them get to know your campus and city.
  • Helping with Study Abroad Recruitment Fairs – These happen a couple times a year and you will find other students interested in doing what you have just done! It is a great chance to share your experience while getting others excited about going abroad.
  • Other Recruitment Opportunities – How do you feel about making classroom presentations on your exchange experience? This is a great service to the exchange programs and helps ensure that they will thrive in the future!
  • Campus International Organizations – Your International Office can help you get in touch with any organizations on your campus that has an international focus, i.e. international student associations, international business organizations, and foreign language clubs.