Colloquium On The World’s Education System Series 

Thank you for joining us! 

We thank you for joining us! We are delighted to share that throughout the colloquium, we were joined by about 70 attendees on the first day and 60 on the second day, including students, staff, and faculty from diverse programs and departments. Your engagement and contributions brought depth and richness to our discussions, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.

What is it? 

The "Colloquium On The World's Education Systems Series" is a dynamic three-part event designed to illuminate the diverse philosophies, disciplines and organizational perspectives that underpin educational systems worldwide. This initiative aims to cultivate a deeper awareness among the CEHD community, which comprises students, faculty, and university professionals, regarding the potential for transformative education through a transnational and comparative lens.

Our Key Objectives


To foster inter-cultural and inter-sectoral understanding and collaboration


To facilitate comparative Analysis across context and sector


To inspire critical thinking and cultivate inclusivity

Our Structure

The "Colloquium On The World's Education Systems Series" unfolds in three activities. To commence, the Opening Workshop, aptly titled 'International Students as Knowledge Co-Creators,' extends an inclusive invitation to international students within CEHD, fostering an environment of knowledge co-creation and sharing on the first day of the colloquium. 

Following this, the heart of the series lies in the 'Colloquium On The World's Education Systems Presentation Series.' This pivotal component invites presenters through open calls and leverages the extensive knowledge base of international scholars within CEHD. Each session features speakers engaging in critical discussions about the educational systems of different countries, illuminating their key characteristics, strengths, and challenges within a concise 10-minute presentation. The second segment of each workshop is dedicated to commenters, allowing them to provide feedback, share opinions, and pose questions to the esteemed guest speakers.

Simultaneously, the 'World's Education Digital Book' takes shape, emphasizing the co-creation and celebration of knowledge within the college community. This digital compendium serves as a repository, synthesizing presentations and shared knowledge from the series, accentuating the profound insights and learnings about education systems worldwide from the vantage points of our scholars. It also delves into innovative strategies for distribution and communication, fostering robust connections and collaboration.