College of Education and Human Development International Student Community

Who are we? 

The CEHD International Student Community, or CISC, represents international students pursuing education at the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD). In 2022, the CISC was founded by members who believe that a community of international students within CEHD is essential to enhancing mutual learning, increasing our presence, and advocating for our needs. The community at the college level is crucial in light of the fact that we share similar interests and challenges.

Our Aims:

To serve

as the voice of international students at CEHD by advocating for their rights and interests within CEHD and beyond.

To provide

activities specifically designed to meet the needs of CEHD international students, including fun gatherings and academic and career development sessions.

To promote and facilitate

conversations between CEHD international students and the university to advocate on behalf of their needs.

To orient

international students to the resources available within the University of Minnesota and CEHD.

To create

a sense of belonging to CEHD by having a community for international students within CEHD.