Drama and Music

Integrated Arts (Drama + Music) (ALC10/20)

Exploring the Arts (Drama + Music) (AEA30) 

Integrated Arts at WHSS.mp4

INTEGRATED ARTS is amazing because …

Drama Production (ADD30, ADD4M)

Would you like to be part of a school play here at WHSS, but don’t have the time or capability for after-school rehearsals? Drama Production would be the course for you! Spend a semester in this course planning, producing, and staging a full-scale play or musical for our school and community. And the best part is, you earn a credit towards your diploma for it! No experience required. Acting is not a requirement, either - there are many backstage roles needed (ex. tech, costumes, makeup, promotions, stage managing….)

ADD4M course code available for students requiring 6 U/M courses towards post-secondary, and/or for students wanting to take on more responsibility in the production of the show.