Office Hours & Syllabi

Office Hours

All Faculty must schedule at least 1.5 hours of office hours per week per course being taught. These are hours during which you need to be available to students. You may be available to meet with students face-to-face, via email, phone, or video conferencing. Adjuncts who have on-campus courses should consider being available to meet with students in person before and after class. Your office hours and preferred method(s) MUST be listed on your syllabus. Adjuncts should work with their office professional to identify locations on campus that can be used to meet with students if needed.

Syllabus Requirements

Per the UCM Policy on Syllabi, a syllabus MUST be provided to all students at the "beginning of the semester." The College of Education does not print syllabi unless absolutely necessary. Therefore, all CoE syllabi must be on Blackboard no later than the first day of classes.

In addition to providing an electronic copy to your students, our College is required to keep copies of syllabi on file for accreditation. The syllabi distributed to students must include all of the information found in the approved syllabus template for the course (see links below) to meet UCM and federal requirements. This is why adjuncts should use the same syllabus as their course's lead faculty. Course descriptions, objectives, texts, etc. are predetermined and should not be changed or omitted. Contact your program coordinator or chair with questions or if you believe there are errors in the templates.

Items not included in the templates can be added via a separate syllabus addendum but should not be included in the syllabus itself.

You must review your syllabi with your students. Since syllabi are electronic, you may require students to retrieve the syllabus on their personal devices (e.g., tablet, cell phone, personal computer), display it to the class with a projection system, or a combination of both. In addition, monitor your mailbox and email for additional information that may revise portions of your syllabus but still need to be forwarded to your students.

Syllabus Responsibility

All syllabi are required to align with the UCM College of Education syllabus template. When you receive reminder emails regarding syllabi being due, only the primary instructor for the course needs to submit the syllabus for approval. Each section of a course will use the same syllabus, changing only the instructor's contact information.

You may provide an addendum to the syllabus in addition to the required syllabus if you are not the primary instructor for the course.

You can see who is responsible for a syllabus for a particular course by checking the CoE Syllabi Checklist.

Syllabus Templates

In order to ensure that all of the required elements of a syllabus are met, the College of Education provides a template that includes instructions and helpful information (in blue) and uses colors to identify parts that faculty can edit and parts that they can’t. All syllabi must align with the College of Education template.

Syllabi templates are available using the buttons above.

It would be great if you could use the following format to name your syllabi, but it's not required.

SUBJ-CRSE Title Format - Instructor(s)

Example: CTE 4110 & 5110 Foundation of Career & Tech Ed ONL - Pantleo

Hint: the checklist has the file name format for you to copy/paste!

It is in your best interest to send your syllabi to your office professional before Noon the Thursday before the first day of classes for that semester. This gives your office professional time to be sure it can be opened and read by someone other than you before you post it on Blackboard for your first day of class!

This includes syllabi for courses that do not start until later in the semester, such as second-half-semester or later session summer courses. See the information below to determine whether or not you need to submit one. Your syllabi need to match the templates (linked above).