Enrollment Validation Process (EVP)


If you have students who are actively participating in the class and/or who have been in email contact with you but have not clicked the enrollment validation in Blackboard, do not report them as absent. That email serves as their enrollment validation.

Per the Registrar's Office:

"Faculty teaching online/hybrid/synchronous classes can choose how they want to track "student participation" during the first week of classes. Faculty are still welcome to use the EVP tool available in Blackboard, but may also have students complete an assignment, quiz, discussion board, etc. However, a student simply having logged into a Blackboard class does NOT meet federal financial aid guidelines for participation."

What is EVP

Because UCM students receive financial assistance from the federal government, we are required to verify enrollment for all students. To do this, UCM uses the Enrollment Validation Process (EVP). You will receive an EVP reminder from the Registrar when it comes time to submit EVP data.

In Blackboard, you will see an entry for EVP data. Keep in mind that BLACKBOARD DOES NOT REPORT EVP TO BANNER (MyCentral) so you will need to go into MyCentral and manually indicate your EVP data.

The following schedule types in the CoE DO NOT do EVP reporting:

  • Independent study (IND)

  • Internships (INT)

  • Practicum (PRC)

  • Student Teaching (STC)

  • Doctoral courses (DOC)

  • Dual credit courses (DUA)


If you're not sure if your course is one of these, please ask your Office Professional.

Reporting Deadlines

The faculty reporting deadlines for all classes can be found on the Registrar's Page (link in the text). After you save your enrollment validation in MyCentral, students reported as absent will immediately be sent a computer-generated e-mail message to let them know they have been reported absent. The earlier that a student is reported absent, the more time they will have to contact the university prior to the drop of their class.

Instructors may remove the absent mark for a student who has contacted them asking to be “saved” from the drop. This must be done prior to the faculty reporting deadline. If a student is reported absent and contacts the Registrar’s Office asking to remain in the course, the Registrar’s Office will add them to the “do not drop list.” All classes will be dropped the afternoon of the first Friday (for full-semester and 1st-half-semester classes) and the afternoon of the first Wednesday for 2nd-half-semester classes.

If a student is dropped for EVP and contacts you to be added back into the course:

Please have the student send you an email with their request (if they didn't already). Reply to that email with your permission and copy your office professional. It is YOUR decision whether or not to accept a student back into the course after an EVP drop.

Students Not On EVP Roster in MyCentral

A student who adds the course on/after the first day may not show up on your EVP reporting list. These students should not be penalized for missing the first day of class. To find out when your EVP deadline is, please consult the Registrar's page on EVP:


Important: Hybrid classes all start on Monday, regardless of which day of the week they may meet in person. Keep this in mind.

How to Track/Report EVP

To report absences, log into Blackboard after 12:00 pm noon on the first Wednesday through noon on the first Friday for full semester and 1st half semester classes (and noon on the first Monday through noon on the first Wednesday for 2nd half semester classes). Access the section in Bb for which you will be verifying Enrollment Validation. Select the Validate Enrollment content area from your course menu. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the “Validate Enrollment …” item and select User Progress. You can sort the information on the User Progress screen using the column headings. Click the “Reviewed” column heading to sort by reviewed status. The users who have validated enrollment will show a blue check mark icon in the Reviewed column. Users who have NOT validated enrollment will show a gray circle icon and will not have a date in the “Date Reviewed” column.

Log into MyCentral. In the Faculty section choose “EVP” (Enrollment Validation Policy). Choose the CRN (course reference number) of the course you wish to report. For each course, choose one of the following options:

    • If all students attended, check the box “Perfect Attendance”

    • If the course is in one of the exempt categories (internship, student teaching, etc.) or did not meet during the first session, mark the second option.

    • If you had absences, mark the individual students who were absent.

    • Click the “Submit” button when finished.

Changing Submitted EVP Reports

If you need to make changes to what you have reported, you may do so before the faculty reporting deadline. Changes cannot be made after this deadline. Students who are accidentally reported and dropped from class should be instructed to add the class back to their schedule in MyCentral. If the course is full, they will need to follow the procedure for "If a student is dropped for EVP and contacts you to be added back into the course" as outlined above.