New Faculty Mentoring

The purpose of the UCM College of Education mentoring program is to: 

The College of Education Mentoring philosophy: 

Faculty mentors play a key role in living out the college’s mission: The UCM educator is a competent, caring, reflective practitioner committed to the premise that all can learn. Through establishing effective mentoring practices, faculty mentors affirm and reinforce a sense of belonging and accomplishment during different time points of career development.

How to Use the Mentoring Framework 

Within this document, faculty and staff will find resources and materials to support the mentoring program, guidelines to support the mentor/mentee relationship, resources to support the transition to teaching in the College of Education, along with Promotion and Tenure documents. Active links to support mentors and mentees can be found at the end of this document.

Who is a Mentor/Mentee?

Who is a mentee?

College of Education mentees are new UCM full-time tenure-track or instructional faculty. Rather than participating in formal mentoring, adjunct instructors participate in onboarding activities with their direct program or department contact. This handbook contains resources that will support both the mentoring program and onboarding activities. 

Who is a mentor?

College of Education mentors are faculty who represent a variety of backgrounds and roles in the college, such as chair, faculty member, or instructor across programs and departments. Mentors may not be the department chair for a person hired in their own department. Mentors may be identified through self-selection or identification by a colleague. A mentor is someone who is organized and proactive, accessible and timely, uses effective communication, encouraging, and supportive, and open-minded.

Mentor/Mentee Support

The College of Education Professional Development Committee will provide oversight and support to the mentor/mentee teams or groups to support the professional growth and development of all College of Education faculty. The formal relationship will be for the duration of the first year of hire. Support may continue after the first year if both parties choose.

Matching Mentors and Mentees

Identifying Mentors

Each spring semester the College Assembly Professional Development Committee will distribute a survey to faculty seeking interested individuals in becoming a mentor. Hiring committees and/or Department Chairs may identify individuals who exhibit mentoring qualities, or a colleague may nominate an individual who displays mentoring characteristics. Once interested individuals are identified, the committee will work with departments and programs to match mentors to mentees and will support the relationship through professional development sessions

Mentoring Relationships, Models, and Meeting Format

Four Phases of the Mentoring Relationship

What should a mentoring meeting look like?

New UCM faculty members have a lot of information that comes their way! As mentors, it is helpful for us to know what the focus of the mentoring program is and who we can connect our mentees 

Mentor/Mentee partnerships should select at least 3 of the following activities to complete annually. 

Additional Recommendations for Mentor/Mentee Partnership

Mentors should. . .

Mentees should. . .

Recommended Mentor/Mentee schedule

Oversight of the Mentoring Program

The COE College Assembly Executive Committee and Professional Development Committee oversee the mentoring program through the creation and review of materials and supportive resources for both mentors and mentees. Each spring semester, the Professional Development Committee will share a Mentor Preference Survey and use results to pair new mentees with mentors in the COE. At the start of the fall semester, a mentor/mentee orientation will be hosted by the Professional Development Committee. This orientation will include time to establish mentoring goals and may serve as one of the suggested meetings for the year. Yearly evaluation of the program will be conducted through end-of-year surveys. The COE College Assembly Executive Committee will disseminate survey results to the Professional Development Committee annually to review and determine ways to strengthen the mentoring program. 

Mentee Resource Links

Mentor Resource Links