
MyCentral (aka Self-Service Banner or SSB)

MyCentral is an online system that coordinates the overall operation of the University and serves as the general usage side of Banner. 

Students use this for enrollment, student financial services, and many other online resources. 

Faculty commonly use this to find their course rosters, enter grades, and access advising tools.  

Personal work and employee-related data are housed here, such as tax forms and timesheet reporting. You should access and explore MyCentral right away to familiarize yourself with its appearance and organization. 

MyCentral uses UCM's Single Sign-on. You can find more information about this on their web page:

For questions about logging into any UCM site or system, please contact the Office of Technology at 660-543-4357 or Have your 700 number handy.

Remember, your official rosters are in MyCentral, NOT Blackboard! 

ALL grades must be entered into MyCentral by the instructor prior to the grades entry deadline.

Grades DO NOT automatically transfer from Blackboard to MyCentral. You must do this manually.

Maxient / Early Alert

The Maxient system is designed to help faculty assist those students who are struggling or have not been to class (or on Blackboard for online courses) for an "appropriate time of the semester" (based on the course schedule). Students referred through Maxient will receive an e-mail notifying them of the referral and recommending that they contact their instructor (you) immediately, contact their academic advisor, and/or contact the Student Success Center if they need academic assistance or resources.  You as the instructor must determine what constitutes an "appropriate time spent in class."  Contact your program coordinator or school chair with your questions.

This system is not just for students struggling academically and can and should be used throughout the semester!

If you have students who you feel need extra attention, either for academic, behavioral, social, or personal problems, please refer them using this system. Doing so creates documentation which can be used to identify patterns of behavior and better enable our UCM support systems to address student needs as soon as possible.  Student Experience and Engagement members will review all referrals and attempt to make personal contact. 

Class Rosters

Double-check your class roster and ensure it matches the list of students in your Blackboard section. UCM automatically adds and removes students (there is a time lag of about 24 hours) though you can also do this manually. If a student is not participating, the first thing to check is if they dropped the course. The best practice is to review your class rosters in MyCentral / Banner each week, from before the semester begins through the "last day to drop."

Adding students to your Bb courses who are not on the official MyCentral roster will create problems for you, the School, and the University.  If you have a student attending your F2F class who is not listed on your MyCentral class roster, this must be resolved early. You must talk to the student, inform them of the problem, and insist they must be officially enrolled (via MyCentral) to continue attending.  Conversely, if you have a student who is not attending your classes but who is on your MyCentral class roster, this must be reported (see the Enrollment Validation Process page). Talk to your program coordinator or chair if you need advice. 

IMPORTANT: If you have students who DO NOT appear in your MyCentral roster, do not add them to your Blackboard section unless specifically told, in writing, to do so by your Chair, Dean, and/or the Registrar.