Grades & Progress Reports


Tip: The system can be very picky about how grades are entered. Do not assume your final grades are all in until you double-check. You can double-check for your accepted grades by logging out of MyCentral and then logging back in. If the grades are all showing when you log back in, you should be fine. If you're not sure, you can ask your office professional to check!

Final Grades

UCM does not view any grades in Blackboard as "student final grades." Rather, Blackboard grades should be viewed as student progress grades. Student final grades only appear in MyCentral. Therefore, you will need to manually submit final grades via MyCentral by noon on Tuesday the week following the last date of the course (generally the Tuesday after Finals Week for full semester courses). For first-half-semester courses, this will be in the middle of the semester (October or March).

Any grade of "F" must also have the last date of course attendance noted. If the student never attended the course and was not reported for Enrollment Validation, use the first day of the course as the last attendance date. If the student attended the entire class, use the last day of the course as the last attendance date. For online courses, this is not the last time the individual logged into Blackboard, it is the last time the person submitted work and/or contributed to the class discussion. This same requirement applies when entering "F" Student Progress Report grades.

If you wait to submit grades until the day before or last day, you will get a phone call and/or email from the Registrar's Office to remind you. You do not want this! Save yourself from being on their list; get your grades in early!

For more information, go to: (you will be required to log in with your UCM login)

Student Progress Reports (aka Midterm Grades)

>> This does NOT apply to half-semester or practica courses. <<

During the first third of the semester, student progress report grades must be manually submitted for course progress at that point in the semester. You will receive emails in your UCM email account regarding these due dates. The University requires that any student with a D or F have a grade entered. As a best practice, the College of Education expects ALL faculty to enter grades for every student so all students will receive a progress report grade entered, regardless of the student's earned grade.

Changing Student Grades

Student grade change procedures can differ depending on the time elapsed between the end of the semester in question and when the grade needs to be changed. For immediate grade changes, (up to and including two semesters after the semester ends), faculty members must complete the Grade Change Request form available in the faculty section of MyCentral. However, if the grade change request / original semester time frame is greater than two semesters, you will need to contact your office professional for assistance.

Grade changes are reflected on the student's records (Central Degree Audit/Transcript) so please try to refrain from needing to do these. It will save your students from having to ask questions later when applying for graduate programs, employment, certifications, etc.

U Grades (aka Incompletes)

Based on the UCM General Counsel's page on Grade Policies:

The "U" grade is intended for use only in extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control that occurred during the semester. An instructor may report a semester mark of "U" when, for justifiable reasons, the student was not able to complete the coursework (medical/family emergency, military deployment, etc.). During the 15th week of the following semester (noon on the Friday before finals), the "U" automatically changes to an "F" unless the instructor initiates a "Change Student Grade" procedure, indicating the requirements of the course have been satisfactorily completed. Please note there are some courses that allow "rolling U grades," which are generally courses of an individualized nature (e.g., thesis, research report, or similar investigation. However, generally, these courses are only taught by full-time faculty members).

When a student requests and is granted a U grade, the student will not re-enroll in the course; they simply complete the missing work from the prior semester. When the student's work is completed within prescribed time limits, the instructor replaces the unfinished grade with the earned final grade by using the Change Student Grade form available in MyCentral. (See Changing Student Grades above)

A student having more than one "U" grade is expected to reduce his/her course load accordingly in order to complete the unfinished work. Students may finish only the portion of the class remaining; they may not sit through an entire course again in order to complete a "U" grade. Students attending the entire class must re-enroll and pay fees accordingly. It is the student's responsibility to contact his/her instructor concerning the removal of the "U" grade. Students will not be permitted to graduate with a "U" on their transcript.