Research Proposal

Revised Research Proposal

On another note, I titled this article with a quote because sometimes we lose sight of why we chose to study our majors and it's important to be passionate about anything in order to be successful in life. Professor Stem teaches my CLA 25 class and she is amazing. Every discussion I learn something new and it shows in her lectures how passionate she is about the classics and makes me want to come back to her classroom. She said this quote one day in class and it has resonated with me ever since.

"Value of Inspiration should not be overlooked" - Professor Stem from my CLA 25 class

As I am revising my research proposal, all I can think about is how fast this process has been so far. It feels like only yesterday Professor Sims announced that we need to find a research topic to write about. From my perspective narrowing down a research topic has been the most difficult part of the project because there is so much to write about with imposter syndrome. Especially during these times with COVID-19 that caused us to be in isolation for a long time and for many of us to self-reflect. I decided to write about this topic because I have experienced this myself as a first-generation student and I believe that with the results I can help many other students locate resources and advice methods to not only to excel in their academic career but keep a healthy state of mind.

One thing that I discovered that I found the most interesting was that many of the students that struggle with imposter syndrome begin with stem majors and have either switched or stayed in stem. The implication of stem careers is what attracts students to study it, the idea of being higher among the others can draw a lot of students that come from smaller and deprived communities. It is important to address the challenges that comes with studying stem. Adding on to the barriers that already come with attending a university. This is my first research project and although it has been challenging, I am excited to continue with the next step in this project.