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As we finish our revisions on our research articles this the moment to make sure our “why” stands out. From my understanding the “why” is the essential connection between the reader and the writer. As a writer I want my readers to resonate with my research topic and know that they are not alone. Even if they have never experienced it, maybe a friend or peer so they’ll be aware of other struggles individuals go through at college. Imposter syndrome can be a barrier in many college student’s academic career. As in The Craft of Research by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G.Colomb and Joseph M. Williams offered great advice on how to approach this part of our articles. In order to evelate our argument its important to “If you haven’t acknowledged alternative views or objections, go back through your argument, imagining a reader asking, Why do you believe that? Are you really making that strong a point? Could you explain how this evidence relates to your point? But what about . . .” (Booth, Colomb,Williams). Acknowledging opposition can help state the why on your argument on this specific topic, whether it should be taken in consideration and establishes credibility as a researcher. As I finish the final revisions on my research article I plan on having this conversation with myself and include any definitions and clarify any themes that may confuse any reader. From the peer review activities I believe this is a part we are all struggling with so I advice that we receive feedback from other non-UWP students to get other perspectives. I look forward to seeing everyone else’s work during class on Wednesday!!!