Blog Diez

Hasta la Proxima Amigos

Dear Future Readers,

Unfortunately this is the last blog I will be writing for this assignment as the spring quarter comes to an end. At first I did hate writing these but they grew on me. This class taught me so much about research that I look forward to new opportunities like these. In this session of class we are basically wrapping everything up with reflections. This week's reading is Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking? by Sandra Giles. Who basically writes about the value of being able to reflect on your own thoughts, not anyone else’s. She stated,“Teachers don’t want you to say certain things, we want you to think in certain ways. Once you get the hang of it and start to see the benefits in your writing, you’ll notice that you’ve formed a habit of thinking reflectively almost invisibly” (202). I believe that it's beneficial for everyone to realize how important it is to reflect with your own genuine thoughts. This quarter I was lucky enough to have two great professors; Professor Sims from my UWP1 class and Professor Stem from my CLA 25 class who taught me something that I will carry with me for the rest of my academic career, the value of inspiration. Inspiration is priceless and sometimes is the push of motivation you need. My research topic is something I am strongly passionate about and an issue that my community faces so to be able to put that on paper is something that I am grateful for. Both classes taught me that it is important to go beyond the books and stay true to yourself. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me and I hope y'all have a great summer!

Yours Truly,

Lourdes Ceja