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Writing first drafts is always hard to start, well at least in opinion writings in general are easier to finish then start. The mind is always running with so many ideas, reminders, notes, tiktok etc. It’s hard to put it on paper. One thing I learned about writing first drafts is that visualizing your paper can help with this problem. On my desk I just grab a random expo marker (make sure it's washable) and start jotting and drawing away. Similar to her work from Shitty First Drafts, “Just get it all down on paper because there may be something great in those six crazy pages that you would never have gotten to by more rational, grown-up means.” (Lamott 1). When I have a writing assignment due, I have so many thoughts, emotions, jokes, there’s always something stuck. It's kinda frustrating that I’ll immediately start thinking about anything but the assignment. Did I walk my fish? I don’t even have a fish. This method was applied to my first draft last week (...more like Saturday night, sorry Professor Sims) while listening to Harry Styles. Another piece of information that I believe is beneficial to all is that while writing first drafts any ideas towards your assignment works, that’s why it's your first draft, don’t beat yourself up!