Final Reflection Essay

Ceja-Reflection Essay

Note to Self: Finish Puzzle

Looking back, there are a million things I could've done differently but I am glad I didn't. I am a strong believer of that everything happens for a reason and I am so grateful that I got to be apart of Professor Sim's UWP1 class. In the beginning part of the quarter I knew that my biggest obstacle was going to be the starting point. I knew that choosing a topic according to the guidelines was going to be messy. After narrowing the topic I knew that everything would fit like a puzzle. It was only a matter of time and effort to finish assembling it.

Throughout the revisions and peer review workshops, I knew that this was a critical point. A point that would show whether people would either understand or be utterly confused. I wanted this project to resonate with others and show why my topic about imposter syndrome matters. After multiple revisions, I am so happy with the final revision. Proving to other first generation Latinx students that you do belong even if you feel like you don't and you're not alone there is always someone that is going through a similar problem. This was my first research project and made me want to pursue more opportunities in research here at UC Davis. Thank you ! See ya later and remember You Got this- (George Lopez style) :)