Blog Siete

No Me Mientas!

As we go into Week 7... ( y'all got this!!!) I believe this section of our research project is crucial. Most of us should have already sent our surveys out in the public and will be receiving feedback soon. The reason I believe this part is crucial is because of how we will use that feedback. As research writers I believe there is no room for bias when analyzing your survey results. At the end of the day, this is information that will be shared among others and it would be unethical to spread any false information. This week’s articles How to Analyze Data in a Primary Research Study by Melody Denny & Lindsay Clark and How to Do Thematic Analysis by Jack Caulfield give excellent feedback on how to tackle these types of problems that can happen while interpreting data. Caulfied points out, “Pay close attention to the data to ensure that you’re not picking up on things that are not there – or obscuring things that are.” Sometimes it’s easier to summarize your findings but outliers are important to your research topic. If you happen to have outliers I would recommend looking into these articles and approaches like semantic that involves analyzing data with explicit themes or similarities. I will be taking this into account when analyzing my survey results. Thanks again y’all for taking the time to answer my survey, and have a great weekend!