Awards and Scholarships

In order to be eligible for continued faculty funding, students with a GPA of 3.5 or better are required to apply for internal and external scholarships, if eligible. All students are strongly encouraged to apply for all scholarships and awards for which they are eligible and have some probability of success. Evidence of having pursued external funding (scholarships, grants, etc.) will be taken into consideration by the Faculty in the allocation of Graduate Assistantships. Students who hold Queen Elizabeth II and University of Alberta recruitment awards must apply for external funding each year, if eligible.

It is the Graduate Student’s responsibility to apply for appropriate external funding, and it is the Supervisor’s responsibility to facilitate those applications in a timely fashion. Further information regarding student awards can be located on the following websites or will be forwarded as it becomes available throughout the year.

Please notify the Graduate Education Office as soon as possible after receiving notification of receipt of awards/funding . This is necessary to ensure that the appropriate U of A offices are notified to set up the account and ensure the supporting documents are received. The majority of payments for awards are administered through the Graduate Education Office or in coordination with other U of A Departments/Faculties.

Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Awards

  1. KSR Travel Awards

  2. Department Specific Awards

  3. Advanced Coach Education Scholarship

  4. Dr. Art Quinney Graduate Scholarship

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

  1. Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES)

  2. Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) Indigenous

  3. Doctoral Tri-Council Scholarships

3. Canada Graduate Scholarship - Masters (CGS-M)

4. Inter-Departmental Awards

5. Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarships

6. Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship

7. CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award

8. Andrew Stewart Prize

9. Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada

Graduate Students' Association

Professional development grant to attend conferences, research groups, courses, etc. Go to Grants, Awards, & Bursaries.