Thesis Regulations
Procedure for Ethical Review in Human Research
The necessary information and documents required by faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students when engaging in research can be found on the Research Ethics Office website. Refer to for complete Guidelines.
Designation of Field of Study
The designation of department on the ‘Title’ and ‘Approval’ pages of a thesis or dissertation shall be “Kinsesiology, Sport, and Recreation.” Students studying in Recreation and Leisure Studies will designate RLS as their field of study; whereas, students in all other programs offered by the Faculty of do not have to designate a field of study.
Thesis Submission
As of April 3, 2014 all theses must be submitted electronically. To submit electronically, follow the FGSR’s Thesis Requirement and Preparation procedures: requirements/thesis-requirement-and-preparation. Once in ERA (Education & Research Archive, the University of Alberta Libraries' digital repository), the FGSR will review your thesis for acceptance. A bound copy is no longer required to be submitted to KSR.