Approved Leave of Absence
Students should consult first with their supervisor and then the Graduate Program Administrator and the Associate Dean regarding a request for leave of absence. The Associate Dean will approve leaves of absences for parental or medical reasons. The FGSR will consider a departmental recommendation for a leave of absence for compassionate reasons.
The student, together with the supervisor, must complete an Application for Leave of Absence form (available on the FGSR website in the Forms Cabinet) and submit it to the Associate Dean with detailed documentation from the student’s family physician or specialist. For compassionate leaves, a written explanation of circumstances is required. An expected date of return must be indicated. A leave of absence is normally granted for up to one year.
If the leave is approved, the student must return by the specified date in order to continue in the program. Readmission to the program will not be required; the department should direct a returning student to the FGSR to reinstate registration in the program.
The time limit for completion of the degree will be extended by the duration of any FGSR- approved leave of absence.
You can review more information regarding leaves of absence by going to the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation's website.