Scheduling Final Exam and Exam Format

Scheduling the Final Examination

At least four weeks prior to the intended date of the final examination, the supervisory committee must indicate in writing (Preliminary Approval of Master’s Thesis for Examination Form) that the thesis is of sufficient quality to proceed to examination. The supervisor will present the completed form to the Graduate Program Office when making arrangements to schedule the final examination.

Students, supervisors and committee members must realize that this written approval simply implies that the thesis is of sufficient quality to be examined. It does not guarantee the outcome of the examination.

It is the responsibility of the supervisor that:

    • proper arrangements are made for the candidate's examination (booking room, AV equipment if needed, etc.)

    • the exam is scheduled and held in accordance with FGSR regulations

    • notify the examiners of the examination date at least six weeks prior to the exam

    • thesis be provided to all examiners for review at least three weeks prior to the exam

    • notify the Graduate Program Office of the exam date, location, exam chair, and examination committee at least four weeks prior to exam

The candidate is not permitted to make these arrangements.

Examination Format

The Master's thesis defense normally involves an initial 30-40 minute presentation by the Graduate Student of their thesis work. This presentation is open to graduate students, faculty members, colleagues, and family members of the student ONLY IF THEY WISH.

Upon conclusion of the public presentation, the Chair will ask everyone except the examination committee to leave the room. During this time the Chair will discuss the role of the Chair, order of questions, time constraints and other matters. The Supervisor reviews the student’s academic record. Comments and/or questions are entertained. The student is readmitted to the room.

The closed examination session includes two rounds of questioning to the candidate by the examination committee (e.g., 15-20 minutes first round, and 5-10 minutes second round depending on the number of examiners).

    • The order of questioning is normally from the most external examiner to finally the Supervisor, who gets minimal allocated time for questioning. The Supervisor is not required to participate in the questioning in the final exam.

    • Examination questions usually are concerned with the thesis, but not exclusively so.

    • The questions are set to enable the Examination Committee to form an opinion on the quality of the candidate’s thesis work as well as their capability to comprehend its significance in the context of the field.

Both the document and the candidate are being examined.

The Graduate Program Office will provide the program completion/thesis approval form to the exam chair for signatures, along with a copy of the student’s transcript, one week prior to the exam date.