lesson ideas & activities

(Elementary) The Sad Little Fact

A lesson plan centred around a book (The Sad Little Fact) that explores the idea of ‘false information’ (misinformation) and searching for evidence. 

(Middle/High School) Student Generated Questions around Covid-19 / mRNA Vaccines 

A lesson plan and accompanying resources adaptable for grades 6-12;  encourages development of information literacy skills while students try to find answers to their own questions about Covid-19 / mRNA vaccines. 

(Middle/High School) Vaccine Decision Case Studies

Lesson ideas surrounding a series of case studies where students are guided through evidence-based vaccine decisions surrounding several types of vaccines and contexts

(Middle/High School)   *New!*

Nature of Science & Questioning with Dr. Lori West 

Lesson ideas for Gr. 10-12 which include how to discuss the role of asking questions in science, discussing scientific expertise, and differentiating between "scientific consensus" and public opinion.