
CMASTE tries to find a niche that fits the expertise of the R & D participants directly involved in CMASTE and that fits the needs of classroom teachers. CMASTE monitors the resources and services of other partners in mathematics and science education to find the gaps—and to fill these gaps. The unique nature of CMASTE as a partner in math and science education is in its access to full time education researchers. These researchers have either done the latest research or have read it—and can translate the education research into classroom resources and services.

The resources that we distribute are copyright free for classroom use. All of our resources are available for free download from our website.

CMASTE Publications

[Grades 1-12] Perspectives on Programs for Schools in Science Centres and Museums

By Dr. Pat Rowell

This book will be of interest to educators in science centres, museums, zoos, aquaria and botanical gardens, as well as to science teachers in primary, secondary and postsecondary institutions.

Click here for more info