Mathematics Reasoning Text & Visuals

Mathematics Reasoning Text

How the field of mathematics has developed and continues to develop is related to the different views of the nature of mathematics and can be illustrated (in part) by examining various common forms of mathematical reasoning. In other words, what thinking processes do mathematicians and people who use mathematics, like scientists, employ? The forms of mathematical reasoning discussed here are somewhat simplified and include the following:

  • reasoning by deduction

  • reasoning by induction

  • reasoning by analogy/models

An understanding of mathematical reasoning will help to answer the questions: how is mathematical knowledge created? how is it tested? how is it used?

Some classroom resources for directly teaching mathematics reasoning are available on the CRYSTAL Alberta Outreach website.

Mathematics Reasoning Visuals

Mathematics reasoning, modelling and deep understanding are promoted through CRYSTAL Alberta funding for the King's Centre for Visualization at The King's University College in Edmonton AB. A couple of the excellent examples are

  • mathematical modelling of the spread of the West Nile Virus

  • mathematical modelling of a tsunami

Check out these resources at the King's Centre for Visualization.