Instructional Emphases

Using instructional emphases is a process by which teachers or textbook authors choose to emphasize one instructional approach over another for a particular lesson or unit of the course or chapter in a textbook. No instructional technique is exclusive, but this approach allows teachers to systematically cater to a wider range of learning styles, intelligences and cognitive levels. Some instructors argue that a particular unit of study might have matching curriculum, instructional and assessment emphases. For example, a nature of science curriculum emphasis might be best served by a laboratory-activity-based instructional strategy, with an assessment emphasis on knowledge about the nature of science and on problem solving, processes and skills used in the laboratory. The hypothesis being employed herein is that different students are advantaged and disadvantaged by particular instructional strategies.

Some student-centered instructional strategies involve paying attention to the students'

  • learning styles

  • multiple intelligences

  • cognitive levels

  • prior learning

  • relevant world

Other instructional strategies that can be employed in the classroom include

  • using a learning cycle

  • promoting critical and creative thinking

  • identifying and employing logical reasoning

  • emphasizing conventions of communication

  • providing the rules for the knowledge game

The privilege of being a science or mathematics teacher is the variety of strategies that are available for one's classroom and laboratory. Some instructional strategies that promote evidence-based-reasoning in the classroom might involve

  • laboratory work

  • demonstrations

  • dry labs (pencil and paper lab work)

  • thought experiments

  • field work

  • computer simulations

  • video labs

  • video analysis by computer

  • computer sensors/probes

  • remote access by the Internet

See more strategies and links in the Word file below. Also see the teacher-education lesson plan for instructional strategies.