
1. Nano Comic

Here is a great comic to start the discussion of surface area Quantum Quest - A Cupful of Nano.

2. Surface Area Diagram

Image showing surface area of "regular" and "mini" marshmellows.

3. Watch Video

Show the Science Alberta Foundation video “Do You Know What Nano Means?”

4. Activity: Observing

Student Sheet for observing and predicting two types of leaves

  1. Use lotus leaves or leaves from plants that exhibit the lotus effect (kale, begonia water lily, nasturtium)

  2. Use leaves of various plant varieties that don’t show the lotus effect (lettuce, spinach, geranium, sunflower, strawberry)

5. Nano resources: NANOYOU

NANOYOU is a European nanoscience resource page that has presentations and posters, virtual and hands-on activities, and dialogue and games all about nanoscience topics.

Grade 5 - Classroom Chemistry

1. Read Article

Read this article on sunscreen to hear about nanoparticles at work: Do Nanoparticles and Sunscreen Mix?

2. Watch Video

Here is a short video from Dragonfly TV (PBS) with a demonstration on the effectiveness of sunscreens: Sunscreen by Aaron and Justin.

3. Activity: Demonstration

You can complete a similar investigation using newspaper as well.

4. Nano resources: NANOYOU

NANOYOU is a European nanoscience resource page that has presentations and posters, virtual and hands-on activities, and dialogue and games all about nanoscience topics.

Grade 6 - Trees and Forests

1. Nano Comic

Here is a great comic to start the discussion of carbon nanotubes: Quantum Quest: Enter the Nanotube

2. Nanotechnology in the Forest Sector

Click here to read about how Natural Resources Canada uses nanotechnology.

3. Watch Video

Show the Science Alberta Foundation video “Do You Know What Nano Means?”

4. Activity: Nanotechnology Basics

Here is a hands on activity student sheet to introduce how small a nanometre really is.