science general resources

General Resources

A Trade Book Library for Investigating Pseudoscience: An Annotated Bibliography of Literature for Teaching and Learning about the Natures of Science by Investigating the Claims of Pseudoscience

By Dougal MacDonald (c) 2009

An annotated bibliography of literature that investigates the claims made by pseudoscience, psychics, astrologers, and other paranormal claimants. This bibliography is meant to help inform discussions of paranormal claims. Uses of the bibliography include assistance in purchasing individual books and a library of books. Many of these books are available for loan from CMASTE.

Grade level: 1 - 12

PDF Version

Pseudoscience for Learning Scientific Inquiry and Natures of Science

By Dougal MacDonald (c) 2009

This lesson package seeks to capture the excitedment that studens find when testing claims to knowledge by pseudoscience practitioners. Creating and critiquing experimental designs involve the skills, processes and problem solving outcomes tated in many curricula. Healthy skepticism is an important habit of mind for citizens of a democracy. The lessons herein promtoe inquity outcomes often overlooked an create a postiive motivational set that surprises students and teachers alike.

This resource is a companion resource to A Trade Book Library for Investigating Pseudoscience.

Grade level: 1 - 12

PDF Version

A Trade Book Library for Elementary Science: A Bibliography of Children's Literature for Teaching and Learning Science in Alberta Elementary Schools

By P.M. Rowell, M. Ebbers, P. Payne, L. Macy and B. Macdonald (c) 2008, 2nd ed.

A bibliography of children's literature in two sections: a grade-by-grade, topic-by-topic listing and an alphabetical listing with publisher details. 300 books are annotated for science concepts and/or science practices portrayed in the text. Many of these books are available for loan from CMASTE.

Grade level: 1 - 6

PDF Version Part 1 & Part 2

Elementary Science Education in Alberta Schools

By Patricia M. Rowell & Margaretha Ebbers

This report details the findings of a survey in 2004 of teachers of science in elementary classrooms in Alberta to determine their beliefs about and perceptions of science teaching. It analyses science teaching in terms of: objectives; instructional contexts; physical, institutional and social context; language practices.

Grade level: 1 - 6

PDF Version

Teacher's Guide for Using Web-Based Resources in the Science Classroom

By Sun Joo Hur (c) 2003

Increasingly, teachers will need knowledge and skills to keep up with the new information age and effectively teach in science classroom. This guidebook will be useful for teachers who are interested in the potential of the web as an effective teaching tools, but who have little working knowledge of web-based resources.

Grade level: 4 - 12

PDF Version

Experiencing Science Process Skills

By Harcharan Pardhan (c) 2001

Teaching and learning science is exciting and meaningful, when learners and teachers are actively engaged in scientific adventures This package contains a number of activities to provide opportunities for the learns to become more skillful in science processes.

Grade level: 1 - 8

PDF Version

Key Ideas in Elementary Science for Alberta Schools

By Margaretha Ebbers and Patricia M. Rowell (c) 2001

For each grade, one key idea has been used to establish links between the five topics set out in the Alberta Program of Studies. This teacher resource offers a framework for building a program in elementary science education.

Grade level: 1 - 6

PDF Version

The Indispensable Plastic Bottle

By Harcharan Pardhan (c) 2000

This collection of hands-on science activities illustrates basic concepts and principles that are taught in most science curricula. Students' sense of ownership is enhanced by constructing their own apparatus from common, inexpensive materials such as water bottles, jam jars and plastic cups.

Grade level: 1 - 8

PDF Version

Big Ideas for Making Sense of the World

By Brenda Gustafson and Pat Rowell (c) 2000

Science concepts embedded in the Elementary Science Program of Studies are organized in three main areas: Living Things, Non-Living Things, and Human Action in the Natural World. This teacher resource displays links between ideas across topics and across grades.

Grade level: 1 - 6

PDF Version

Problem Solving Through Technology

Edited by Patricia M. Rowell and Brenda J. Gustafson (c) 1998

These six case studies explore the place of design technology in the elementary program and its role in developing children's conceptual understanding and technological problem solving abilities. Children were asked to design and make structures, boats, aircraft, vehicle the move and mechanisms which use electricity.

Grade level: 1 - 6

PDF Version Part 1, Part 2, Part 3