ianas - interamericas inquiry

The IANAS Science Education Program

IANAS (Inter American Network of Academies of Science) is a network dedicated to strengthening and empowering science communities in the hemisphere. One of the ways that IANAS aims to achieve this is through enhancing human resource development in science, technology and health by improving the quality of science education.

IANAS was established in 2004 and, since its inception, has initiated active programs in science education in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and the Caribbean. The programs include development of context-appropriate materials for classroom programs, evaluation of classroom programs, professional development training for teachers, and collaborative, intercountry workshops and conferences.

In the field of science education, Canada is perceived to offer expertise, and requests to make short visits to science education centres for the purpose of capacity building are made frequently. CMASTE has served as a focal centre for Canadian participation in the IANAS Science Education Program, as illustrated by the following activities:

  • hosting key representatives from Central and South America and from the Caribbean for an IANAS annual meeting (2005)

  • hosting elementary and secondary science teachers from the Caribbean, Bolivia, and Guatemala, for professional development seminars and school visits

  • contributing to the preparation of reports focused on the evaluation of inquiry-based science education programs and on professional development in pre-secondary inquiry-based science education

  • presenting sessions on contemporary views of science education to representatives from participating countries

  • presenting workshops for science teachers in South American countries

  • helping to find funds for the continuation of this important North-South project, with mutual benefit to all.