
<Application for Extension of Period of Stay>


This section explains the application procedures for extending Period of Stay using PUGS.


Those who meet all of the following conditions are eligible for extension of period of stay.

① 有効な「留学」在留資格を有し、東洋大学に在学中(または予定)の方。

Those who have a valid "Student" status of residence and are currently enrolled at Toyo University.

② 在留期限まで3ヶ月未満の方。

Those who have less than 3 months until the expiration date of their residence card.




Instead of distributing a paper application form and going through the application process at the immigration office yourself, the extension of stay procedure will be conducted by the university online on your behalf based on the information and the submitted documents registered on PUGS. Be very careful not to enter the information incorrectly, as this increases the risk of rejection.



You will receive an request email from PUGS 3 months prior to the expiration month to confirm and correct the necessary information for your application. Please make sure to check it.



If you are prospective student who does not yet have a PUGS account, please create one first.

After creating you account, please follow the steps from step 2 onwards.


*If you did not receive the email 3 months before the expiration date, please log in to PUGS directly and check if the "Resident card expiration alert" is shown on the top page. If it is not shown even on the top page of PUGS, the information of your residence card registered in PUGS may be incorrect or out of date, so please contact Toyo University Support Office for COE and Status of Residence directly by email (toyo-pugs@tugs.co.jp) or Inquiry function.



Click the "Applicant data" button on the top screen.



Input information in the fields with a red dot under "Applicant data".


*If "Extension of period of student" is not displayed under "Display the input items required for application" at the top, please first select "Extension of period of student".


Display the input items required for application


At the top of the screen ,there is a  "Display the input items requred for application" field. You can change your selection according to the type of application.


【Extension of period of Student】:Select this option if you wish to renew your "Student" residence card


【Change of status to Student】:Select this option if you are willing to change your status of residence to "Student"


【Certificate of Eligibility of Student】:Select this option if you are applying for a COE (Certificate of Eligibility)


【Change of status to Designated activities】:For those who graduated (or will graduate). Select this option if you are change your status of residence to "Designated Activities".


Please click the "Edit" button to fill in the information for each filed. When you have completed all the information, click the "Save changes" button to proceed to the next filed.


1 個人情報

Personal Information


Please fill in all the items with the red dot.

注意 (Note):

Please provide your residential address in your home country using alphanumeric characters in the "Home town/city" field.

For the "Address in Japan", please ensure it is up-to-date and include the room number (or house number for detached houses) in the field.

2 パスポート



Please fill in the number and expiration date of your current passport.

3 学歴

Educational Record


Please fill in the following information.


( 例:大学2年生の場合、小学校から修了した大学1年 までの修学年数)

Please fill in  the total number of years from elementary school to the completion year of the highest level of education. (For example: for a second-year university student, it would be the total number of years from elementary school to the first year of university.)


Information for all schools (high school and beyond) attended in the last five years.


Please click on “Add an input field on top” or “Add an input field at the bottom” to fill in the information for each school one by one.


Please provide the following information.

Test name, level (score), and date of the test that certifies your Japanese language proficiency

Information on educational institutions where you received Japanese language education in Japan (high school, Japanese language school, vocational school, etc.), period of study, length of study, etc.


If you had previous employment before entering Toyo University, please provide the details of your work history by clicking the "Add an input field on top" (or "Add an input field at the bottom") button.

6 犯罪歴等

Criminal Record etc


If you have a criminal record or have been deported (or ordered to leave Japan), please provide details. If no, please select "No".

7 経費支弁



Please provide information regarding the method of financial support and the sponsor during your stay in Japan.

滞在費支弁方法 Method of support to pay for expenses while in Japan


Click on "Add an input field on top" or "Add an input field at the bottom" to add input fields and specify the method(s) of financial support during your stay.


*If you have multiple methods, please create separate input fields for each method.


Select if you are personally responsible for covering all or part of the expenses during your stay in Japan  (through part-time jobs, savings, etc.).


Select if you are receiving a scholarship.


Select if you receive financial support from someone residing outside of Japan.


Select if you receive financial support from someone residing in Japan.


Select if you have different method of financial support, and provide details in the input field.


Convert the average monthly amount for each support method into Japanese Yen and enter the numerical value in thousands.


Example: if the average monthly support amount is 50,000yen, enter 50.


Select if you will receive money from overseas through remittance, and provide the amount.


Select if you or someone else carry cash from overseas to Japan, and provide the amount, carrier, and the time of carrying.


Select if you or someone in Japan bear the expenses, and provide the amount.

経費支弁者 Sponsor


If someone else is fully or partially sponsoring your expenses during your stay in Japan, please provide information about the sponsor.



*Convert annual income to Japanese Yen and enter the numerical value in tens of thousands.

Example: if the annual income is 5,000,000 yen, enter 500.

8 奨学金



Please provide the details of the scholarship if you are a scholarship recipient.


*Students with JASSO scholarship reservations will receive the scholarship after enrollment, so if you wish to renew your period of stay prior to enrollment, you must apply without the scholarship.

9 卒業後の予定

Plans after graduation


Please select your plans after graduation from the dropdown list.

10 在日親族

Family in Japan


If you have relatives in Japan, please provide information about them.




Please upload the necessary documents for application.


Current students of Toyo University (Those renewing their residence card for the second time after enrolling):

Residence card photo (both sides)

Passport ID page

Photo for new residence card



*The uploaded photo data will be printed directly on the residence card.


*You cannot use the same photo as your current residence card or passport.


*Photographs taken with a smartphone are also acceptable.


Enrollment Certificate of Toyo University



*Please refer to the following website for the issuance method.



Transcripts of Toyo University

statement of reasons



If you need repeated a year or have earned fewer credits in the previous year, you will be asked to submit a statement of reasons. The Immigration Bureau will decide whether or not to allow you to extend your period of stay based on that statement of reasons (please use World to create it).


Documents proving the income of the sponsor in Japan


If you have relatives in Japan and receive financial support from them, please submit either their taxation certificate or withholding tax certificate.

Scholarship Certificate


If you are receiving a scholarship, please submit a certificate of receipt of the scholarship or a document that can prove the following information.

Name of the scholarship

Organization name of the organization giving the scholarship

Amount (XX yen per month, XX yen per year)

Period of scholarship receipt (XX year XX month to XX year XX month)


Current students of Toyo University (those renewing their residence card for the first time after enrolling):

Residence card photo (both sides)

Passport ID page

Photo for new residence card



*The uploaded photo data will be printed directly on the residence card.


*You cannot use the same photo as your current residence card or passport.


*Photographs taken with a smartphone are also acceptable.


Enrollment Certificate of Toyo University

Transcripts of Toyo University (not required if you have not yet received your grades)

Transcript of the school (Japanese language school, vocational school, etc.) you attended before entering Toyo University



*If the certificate is sealed in an envelope, please open it and upload the photo or scanned data of the certificate.


Graduation (or expected graduation) Certificate from the school (Japanese language school, vocational school, etc.) you attended before entering Toyo University



*If the certificate is sealed in an envelope, please open it and upload the photo or scanned data of the certificate.


Attendance Certificate from the school (High school in Japan, Japanese language school, vocational school, etc.) you attended before entering Toyo University (if available)

statement of reasons



If you have a low attendance rate at Japanese language school or dropped out of the previos school, you will be asked to submit a statement of reasons. The Immigration Bureau will decide whether or not to allow you to extend your period of stay based on that statement of reasons.


Documents proving the income of the sponsor in Japan


If you have relatives in Japan and receive financial support from them, please submit either their taxation certificate or withholding tax certificate.

Scholarship Certificate


If you are receiving a scholarship, please submit a certificate of receipt of the scholarship or a document that can prove the following information.

Name of the scholarship

Organization name of the organization giving the scholarship

Amount (XX yen per month, XX yen per year)

Period of scholarship receipt (XX year XX month to XX year XX month)


Prospective students of Toyo University:

Residence card photo (both sides)

Passport ID page

Photo for new residence card



*The uploaded photo data will be printed directly on the residence card.


*You cannot use the same photo as your current residence card or passport.


*Photographs taken with a smartphone are also acceptable.


Admission Letter (Acceptance Letter is not acceptable)



*Please refer to the "Admission Procedure Guide" for downloading instructions.


Transcript of the school (Japanese language school, vocational school, etc.) you attended before entering Toyo University



*If the certificate is sealed in an envelope, please open it and upload the photo or scanned data of the certificate.


Graduation (or expected graduation) Certificate from the school (Japanese language school, vocational school, etc.) you attended before entering Toyo University



*If the certificate is sealed in an envelope, please open it and upload the photo or scanned data of the certificate.


Attendance Certificate from the school (Japanese language school, vocational school, etc.) you attended before entering Toyo University (if available)



*If the certificate is sealed in an envelope, please open it and upload the photo or scanned data of the certificate


statement of reasons



*If you have a low attendance rate at Japanese language school or dropped out of the previos school, you will be asked to submit a statement of reasons. The Immigration Bureau will decide whether or not to allow you to extend your period of stay based on that statement of reasons.


Documents proving the income of the sponsor in Japan


If you have relatives in Japan and receive financial support from them, please submit either their taxation certificate or withholding tax certificate.

Scholarship Certificate


If you are receiving a scholarship, please submit a certificate of receipt of the scholarship or a document that can prove the following information.

Name of the scholarship

Organization name of the organization giving the scholarship

Amount (XX yen per month, XX yen per year)

Period of scholarship receipt (XX year XX month to XX year XX month)

11_1 資格外活動

Unqualified activities


Please provide information about your Unqualified activities (part-time jobs, internships, or other non-academic activities).

注意 (Note):

If you are not currently engaged in part-time work or any other non-academic activities, please select "No" in the first question, and uncheck the "Ongoing activities are still going" box under "Unqualified activities 1".

All students must indicate "Toyo University 20 hours" in the "Present activity (for student: name of school, lesson hours per week)" section.

If you are engaged in more than one part-time job, please fill in the details using the "Unqualified activities 2" and onward.


*Don't forget to check the box for "Ongoing activities are still going".

11_2 現に有する在留資格

Status of residence


Please correct the displayed information if it is different from the information on your current residence card.

11_3 更新理由

Reason for extension


Please indicate your desired period of stay and reason for extension.



Please check the confirmation items at the bottom of the screen and click the "Applicant data has been verified and corrected." button.


If all required information has not been registered, the following message will appear. Please register the necessary information in the required fields indicated in red, and then click the "Applicant data has been verified and corrected." button again.



If you wish to apply for "Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence" together, please be sure to check the box in the confirmation pup-up, then click the "Send" button.


This screen will not be displayed to those who apply for renewal before enrollment. We will apply for permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence at the same time as the renewal application for all of you.


After Clicking the "Send" button, the "Residence card expiration alert" on the top page of PUGS will disappear, and you will receive the following email.



You will receive an email notification from PUGS if any of the information you have registered is incomplete. The same information will also be display on PUGS screen.



If the information you have registered is correct, the university will submit your application through the online application system of the Immigration Bureau. Once your application is accepted, you will receive an email from PUGS stating that your application has been received, and the application status on the top page of PUGS will also be changed to "Immigration Application in progress".


A "Certificate of Application" proving that you are currently applying online can be downloaded from the top page of PUGS. For more information, click here.

注意 (Note):

The designated location for receiving your new residence card is Shinagawa Immigration Bureau.


If you wish to change the pick-up location, please contact Toyo University Support Office for COE and Status of Residence (toyo-pugs@tugs.co.jp) as soon as you received the notification email.



If your application is approved, you will receive the following notification email from PUGS. After receiving the email, current students please go to the respective campus office to receive the Notification of Results and bring your residence card and passport when visiting the Immigration Bureau. For prospective students, the Notification of Results will be distributed at Hakusan Campus.



Please be sure to scan your new residence card at the respective campus office after receiving your it.